Nicholas Sarwark

August 31, 2016

I am Nicholas Sarwark, Chairman of the the Libertarian Party, the only growing political party in the United States. AMA!

I am the Chairman of one of only three truly national political parties in the United States, the Libertarian Party.

We also have the distinction of having the only national convention this year that didn't have shenanigans like cutting off a sitting Senator's microphone or the disgraced resignation of the party Chair.

Our candidate for President, Gary Johnson, will be on all 50 state ballots and the District of Columbia, so every American can vote for a qualified, healthy, and sane candidate for President instead of the two bullies the old parties put up.

You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Ask me anything.


EDIT: Thank you guys so much for all of the questions! Time for me to go back to work.

EDIT: A few good questions bubbled up after the fact, so I'll take a little while to answer some more.

EDIT: I think ten hours of answering questions is long enough for an AmA. Thanks everyone and good night!

Is any progress being made with the IAVA situation?

Also, is taxation theft?

Edit: Thanks for answering my question! And anyone who'd like more info about Gary Johnson's campaign for presidency, please come on over to /r/GaryJohnson. We've got 18,000+ subscribers and are trying to hit 20,000 by mid-September. Thanks!


For those who don't know, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America has decided not to invite the Presidential candidate most popular with veterans to their Commander in Chief forum on September 7th. This has angered may OIF/OEF vets who feel their voice is being stifled by an organization that purportedly stands for them.

I wrote an open letter to IAVA and many people have visited the IAVA Facebook page to share their opinions and review their service. ;)

Our lawyers may be sending them some advice about the difference between nonpartisan and bipartisan and what it does to your tax exemption when you confuse the two...

His proof picture says "taxation is theft"

It does, because it is.

What percentage or how many votes would you like to get to consider this years campaign a success?

If there was a change to the voting system away from first-past-the-post, which system would you like to see implemented?

This year's campaign will be a success if the Libertarian Party comes out as a stronger voice for all Americans who want the right to pursue happiness any way they choose, as long as they don't hurt people or take their stuff.

My goal is still to have to go to a Gary Johnson inauguration party.

Proportional representation would help, but it would also change the structure of our government. Approval voting (vote for as many candidates as you approve of) would be a great change to the voting system and help us get past the politics of fear.

The old parties like the current system. Without being more afraid of the other bully, nobody would vote for the bullies they put up.

Follow-up. If Maine passes ranked-choice voting (will be an ballot initiative in November to do so) would the LP focus in some Maine races?

It would definitely be something we'd consider.

Will that initiative be in time for the special election to replace the Governor? ;)

As a member of Outright Libertarians, I frequently see candidates from our party who are unaware of how to address issues of same-gender marriage and other LGBT+ issues from a liberty standpoint, do you have any advice for those candidates?

My advice would be for those candidates to listen to people from the LGBT+ community before they speak on those issues and to constantly be trying to better communicate. The Outright webinar on how to be an ally is a great place to start. Thank you for doing it.

Particularly in regards of how to address those issues from a liberty standpoint and be effective allies for us.

Outright Libertarians is hosting a webinar on a similar issue, would you mind attending?

Unfortunately the scheduling conflicts with my work schedule, but I will try to catch an archive if there is one.

Supposedly 60 minutes was spotted at a Gary Johnson rally. Do you know if they are doing a piece on him and if so do you know when it will be released?

I would imagine that would be very good for poll numbers as it reaches an older demographic that currently is reluctant to vote for Governor Johnson.

Edit: Thanks for answering my question! And anyone who'd like more info about Gary Johnson's campaign for presidency, please come on over to /r/GaryJohnson... we've got 18,000+ subscribers and are trying to hit 20,000 by mid-September. Thanks!

I can't confirm or deny 60 Minutes' coverage of Gary Johnson, but this campaign and election cycle has had unprecedented levels of media interest in the Libertarian Party.

At the national convention, we had a press conference with at least 8 cameras and almost 50 reporters from around the world.

Hello Mr. Sarwark!

I have two questions.

With the increased attention the presidential ticket of the LP has been receiving throughout this election, how is it currently impacting the Party, are you receiving more membership applications or any of the sort?

And, in case the LP makes it to 5% and becomes eligible to receive federal funds... What is your position in regards to what the LP should do with them? Should the party turn them away in principle or should they keep it to help the party grow?

Our membership and fundraising are growing at an incredible rate. Dues paying membership has nearly doubled since the beginning of the year and donations are through the roof.

If we become eligible for Federal matching funds, I think it will be a decision for the delegates at the national convention to make. That's the body most representative of all of the Libertarian Party members, so it's better for them to make the decision than for me to do it (or even to tell them what I think they should do).

What are we doing to find and recruit down ticket state level candidates?

We actively solicit people to step up and run for office. For most down ticket candidates, that recruiting is done by the state affiliate parties.

Stepping up to run for office is one of the best things that a Libertarian Party member can do. It gives our friends and neighbors an opportunity to vote for someone they can believe in instead of voting against someone they hate.

What is being done, even behind-the-scenes, to get Johnson-Weld's poll numbers up and to ensure they will be in the national debates?

Advertising, including TV, radio, Internet, and billboards. Word of mouth, rallies, earned media coverage. Signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers.

The Libertarian Party has some great door hangers you can pass out in your neighborhood to tell your neighbors about who Gary Johnson is.

Thank you for your answer. Given all the work going on, what is your thinking on the odds of making the debates? I, like a lot of others, am staying positive, but we'd love to see the buzz growing!

I think the odds are better than I've ever seen.

Better than two weeks ago?


Like in physics and calculus, it's not always speed that's important, sometimes it's acceleration.

What have you guys found to be the most effective way to mass market Johnson? I'm a county coordinator for GJ in Colorado, and wondering if you would recommend canvassing, phone banking, etc... We have several large events in the next month that will bring a lot of attention, but what have you found to be most effective?

The most effective activism is the activism that you actually do.

If you like talking to people on the phone, phone bank. If you like being the door hanger fairy, walk your neighborhood with door hangers.

There is not enough time left in this election to do rigorous A/B testing of methods to get Johnson's name recognition and polling numbers up, we just need to do all of it.

You can sleep on November 9th. :)

Hi Mr. Sarwark.

I just (very excitedly) voted in the very first Florida LP primary.

Will the majority focus of the state parties be on the POTUS or the down ticket elections?

Most state parties (including Florida) are focusing on both.

Libertarian candidates traditionally have coattails (Presidential ticket does well which increases down ticket votes), but also reverse coattails (having a good down ticket candidate increases Presidential vote totals).

When voters see more Libertarians on their ballot, they are more willing to vote Libertarian.

What should I (as a registered and active LP member) focus on AFTER this election; In 2017-2020?

Build up your state and local party and help it grow.

If we start today we might make the 2024 ballot!

I intend that we will make the 2018 ballot and regain party recognition.

Dear Chairman Sarwark,

If come November the LP establishes itself as mayor party, and the GOP crumbles, there is the risk that the LP becomes sort of a New Republican Party, same as always, only slightly less bigoted. Party membership is generally administered by the states (something I, as an European, still can't wrap my head around) and mayor parties are expected to nominate by primary, not convention.

What plans are there, and if none, what ideas do you have to keep the party libertarian?

Thanks for taking your time to answer,


The whole concept of political parties making taxpayers pay for their internal elections through the primary process is disgusting. Why should I pay for a process that I don't get to (or want to) participate in? Yet my tax dollars paid for my racist Sheriff to get renominated in his primary yesterday.

We would do our best to keep nominating our candidates at meaningful conventions, where they are chose by Libertarian delegates from across the country. The best way to keep the party libertarian is to keep it full of libertarians.

As Chairman, I can keep the messaging libertarian. Keeping the state parties libertarian is a job for the individual LP members in those states.

Hello, Mr. Chairman. I am 14 years old and have been closely following the Liberty movement for about 3-4 months. I plan on devoting much of my adult life to the Libertarian Party, and a political career. Do you have any advice as I continue on this journey?

Thank you for getting involved.

I've been a Libertarian since I was around 12 years old, when my father took me to some local Libertarian Party meetings here in Phoenix. So I'm glad you're getting an early start, but you're already two years behind me, so you'll have to work harder. ;)

Get involved in your local party. Get to know people who have been around, take their advice, but don't take all of their advice.

Step up and do the work. Leadership roles in a young party don't go to well-connected cronies like they do in the two old ones; they go to the people willing to do the work.

Check out the Libertarian Youth Caucus. One of their cofounders, Trent Somes III is only 18 and serves on our national committee.

How well do you feel Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are upholding the values of the Libertarian Party in their campaign? Do you think they accurately represent the party of principle?

They're both about a million times more libertarian than the corporate shill or the reality show star. There are some issues I disagree with each of them on, but I don't focus on my disagreements with people.

Like Mayor Ed Koch of New York used to say, "If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, you should vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, you should find a psychiatrist."

They are the candidates who were chosen by the majority of delegates to the Libertarian National Convention in Orlando. It wasn't rigged, no delegates came in bound to a particular candidate. There were debates and campaigning and Governor's Johnson and Weld were chosen.

The convention's been over for three months now. Now's the time to get to work electing them.

Hello, thanks for doing this! I'm a first-time presidential election voter and I'm cautiously optimistic for the future of politics in America. How do you plan on integrating the new wave of millenial libertarians and disenfranchised moderates into the Libertarian Party? I think lots of people my age would be very receptive to the party's message.

Like I said in the intro, our party is the only political party that's growing in this country. If you look at partisan voter registration, every other political party has declined over the last four years. Only the Libertarian Party has grown.

We're welcoming millennials and disenfranchised moderates with open arms. Some will not stay, but I think the majority will feel welcomed and help us keep up our rapid growth until we become the dominant party in the United States.

Time is on our side.

If you look at partisan voter registration, every other political party has declined over the last four years. Only the Libertarian Party has grown. Can you source? Thank you for your time.

Source is in some other comments.

Good afternoon Chairman Sarwark,

Nicholas Amato, contributor at Being Libertarian here. Two questions for you.

One: Do you have any goals and ideas for the growth and future of the party? What are the most important things that need to happen going forward, besides pushing to get Johnson and Weld as much exposure as possible. Are there any changes the party needs to make?

Two: How important are down-ballot races, in your opinion, to the party's growth, and how does the party intend to support these races going forward? We've seen a lot of attention focused on the Johnson campaign, but there's lots of potential to start gaining ground in terms of local, state, and senatorial races.

Thanks, and thank you for participating in this AMA! :)

I want the party to come out of this election stronger and bigger than it went in. And the next election. And the one after that.

This is a long game that I play because I want my kids to have a better country than I grew up in.

The most important thing is to build up the state and local parties and to recruit voters and candidates all over the country. There is another party that nominated a big name for President in 2000, but once that guy got tired of running for President, they lost momentum and didn't have any infrastructure. The Libertarian Party will not make that mistake. The party is bigger than any one candidate or election.

Down ballot races are key to long term growth. See the answer to another question about coattails and reverse coattails.

Also, dank memes.

Mr. Sarwark,

Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are flying under a banner that represents a wide variety of ideals from left-center or moderate libertarians such as myself to voluntaryists, ancaps, anarchists, and more. There's a lot of variety to pack in and generally agree on.

Both Gary and Bill are intelligent gentlemen, and I get the idea that Gary is the type that yearns for new knowledge. Sometimes that leads him to say things that aren't necessarily in perfect agreement with LP principles. I don't have any problem with that because Gary always seems to think things out or converse with other intelligent people (like yourself).

It's my understanding that Gary talked to you after he acquired more information about vaccines and herd immunity and you guys talked it through and came to an agreement on how vaccines best fit into the LP platform. Have you considered having a similar conversation with Bill Weld about how the 2nd amendment fits? I genuinely feel like he does support the 2nd amendment, and for all the right reasons, but whereas Gary might fumble and mince words over cakes and pork Bill can really turn an intelligent point about firearms into a negative NRA-ILA headline.

I'm open to having that conversation with Bill the next time we talk. I am confident that neither Johnson nor Weld are going to support gun control proposals.

The NRA-ILA's coverage is dishonest and shady. Did Bill Weld support an assault weapons ban? Yeah, in the late 1990s in Massachusetts.

The Republican nominee (that the NRA endorsed) supported an assault weapons ban in 2000 and has a track record of being a liar. Believing what he says about guns or Supreme Court justices after watching the track record of how he treats small contractors is like marriage after divorce; it's the triumph of hope over experience.

But yeah, I'll talk to Bill.

How has your job herding cats been going?

We had the most professional and exciting political convention of all three of the national political parties and I got re-elected with nearly 65% of the vote in a three-way race.

So I'd say it's been going pretty good.

the most professional convention

The shirtless guy sure was dancing professionally!

He didn't win.

I did.

Yeah, that naked guy was very professional...

He didn't win.

I did.

We had the most professional and exciting political convention of all three of the national political parties

I wish you and your party luck but let's not pretend your convention was anywhere near professional. The Libertarian Party is currently a carnival show. Libertarians have good arguments and deserve a voice in the public stage but goddamn, the nut jobs are killing any chance of respectability.

but goddamn, the nut jobs are killing any chance of respectability.

You must be confusing us with the Republican Party. They nominated their nutjob.

What makes the Libertarian party any more legitimate than the Green Party? You keep acting like you're part of the big boys with the Dems and Republicans while implying the other third parties are trivial.

Money, organization, voter registration, ballot access.

But other than that, we're exactly the same.

What odds would you give Johnson of making the debate?

3:2 in favor.

Nick how does the Libertarian Party rally together the purists and the pragmatists? There never seems to be a candidate that pleases everyone.

We focus on the mission and don't waste time fighting with each other.

Remember, "Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands."

If you focus on setting the world free, you don't have time for petty infighting.

Or at least I don't.

They don't care about the purists, like, at all. And rightfully so, the Libertarians would be stuck at .1% of the vote every year if they let the radicals take over.

False: The Chair and the Vice Chair are both known radicals.


We may file a comment on the administrative rulemaking and will use it as a springboard to talk about why it's evil to lock people in cages for what they put in their bodies.

What is the stance of the LP on electoral reform?

Will you continue a series of "Things my candidate didn't do today" tweets?

Has the LP discussed the polling schedule with the CPD? We havent gotten new polls in a month

Who inspires you?

How can those of us supporting Johnson internationally do to help?

Thanks for taking some time to do this! Hopefully you'll get to more than 6 questions like a certain orange haired fellow.

What is the stance of the LP on electoral reform?

We're for it.

Will you continue a series of "Things my candidate didn't do today" tweets?

As long as the old party candidates keep providing material for them. (That's a yes.)

Has the LP discussed the polling schedule with the CPD? We havent gotten new polls in a month

After the two lawsuits, it's fair to say we're not on speaking terms with the people at the CPD. We will maintain our focus on beating them at their own rigged game.

Who inspires you?

Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, Rebbe Schneerson, Thomas Jefferson, and Marc Allan Feldman

How can those of us supporting Johnson internationally do to help?

There's a new initiative called Libertarians Abroad that you may want to get involved in. Email and I'll put you in touch with the organizers.

Thanks for taking some time to do this! Hopefully you'll get to more than 6 questions like a certain orange haired fellow.

It ain't hard to do better than an oompa loompa.

Hi there Nicholas! You're doing a great job! My question is, how will the Libertarian Party leverage the momentum we're gaining in this presidential election to keep the energy up and flowing into down ballot races in the years to come?

We're using the momentum to put in place better processes and infrastructure. We're prospecting Johnson supporters to get them involved in the national and state and local Libertarian Party.

You don't win without focusing on the long game and the short game.

Which state do you think the LP has the best chance at winning a federal office (Congressman or Senator), either this cycle or in 2 years?

The ones where we're most active. Colorado, Texas, Georgia, Indiana, Washington, North Carolina, Minnesota, and Florida are a few that come to mind, but I'm happy to be surprised by any of the others.

If Maine manages to implement ranked-choice voting this fall, will the LP make a big push for state and local positions in Maine?

Probably, but it's going to be a decision for the Libertarian Party of Maine.

You always say you it's an honour to be the less important member of the libertarian party.

Do you believe that taking a more hands-on approach to vetting candidates could be useful for the party? I am not saying you should tilt the presidential primaries in favour of a candidate (looking at you Debbie) but if you have ever consider taking an active role rejecting some potential nominees (2008 presidential nominee and some candidates you will only find in Florida come to mind).

Also, how does it feel to fail a petition drive ;).

Do you believe that taking a more hands-on approach to vetting candidates could be useful for the party? I am not saying you should tilt the presidential primaries in favour of a candidate (looking at you Debbie) but if you have ever consider taking an active role rejecting some potential nominees (2008 presidential nominee and some candidates you will only find in Florida come to mind).

My experience is that the Libertarian Party's members and delegates do a fine job of vetting the candidates. I trust them to make the right decisions.

Also, how does it feel to fail a petition drive ;).

I wouldn't know, we haven't done that since I became Chair in 2014. We're on track to have our Presidential candidate on the ballot in all 50 states and DC.

First, thank you for your tireless efforts toward a better America and for doing this AMA!

Edit: Thanks, /u/nsarwark!

Want more info on Gary's campaign for presidency? Come on over to /r/GaryJohnson, a positive community of 18,000+ Johnson/Weld supporters (expecting to hit 20,000 by mid-September). See you there!

Do you anticipate the success of the Johnson/Weld campaign shaping the platform and policy of future Libertarian nominees, or do you see future nominees reverting to more conventional Libertarian Party ideals?

Both. Every convention has to pick the right balance between purity of message and size of megaphone. If this balance is successful, future delegates may take a similar approach. But they also might try something different.

Libertarians are unpredictable.

In what ways do you personally feel the Johnson/Weld flavor of Libertarianism improves upon conventional Libertarian Party ideals?

The way they are communicating the message has it resonating with a lot more people in the middle. That scares some people and excites others. Both feelings are valid.

Two questions, if I might :)

Since the LP is a big tent, how would you handle supporting the LP candidate if he weren't Johnson -- is your job easier or harder with a different stripe of candidate? Where does you personal libertarian positions lie?

I had a strategic plan for how to best support the five candidates who had a realistic shot at winning the nomination in Orlando. The plans were different, because the candidates were different, but I was ready to work with any of them.

My personal positions are pretty close to 100/100 on the Nolan chart, but that doesn't matter. Chair is a job of giving voice to the principles and facilitating the work of others. If you find yourself injecting too much of your personal opinion, you're doing it wrong.

Should the LP platform be less about what the LP would not do and have some more positive affirmations of libertarianism? For example, that the LP supports sex work and the decriminalization of sex work.

It's a common debate at each national convention. The platform has changed over the years to sometimes focus on abolition and other times on sharing a positive vision. I think we need some of both.

Hello Mr.Sarwark, I have a few questions.

Have you heard about the commander-in-chief protest in response to the IAVA and do you think the LP could draw some attention to it?

Will the LP be accepting federal matching funds after this election?

When will the LP start pushing election reform?

Thanks for being a great cat-herder.

Have you heard about the commander-in-chief protest in response to the IAVA and do you think the LP could draw some attention to it?

Yes. We are doing all we can to encourage IAVA to actually stand up for their members instead of use them as political props.

Will the LP be accepting federal matching funds after this election?

It'll be up to the delegates at convention, I'm not going to make that decision for them.

When will the LP start pushing election reform? We already are.

I support the Libertarian Party, but I am only 16 so I am not eligible to vote. Is there any way I can help support the party or do I just have to wait until I turn 18?

Contact your state and local party and volunteer. I've been a Libertarian since I was around 12, there's always work to be done and a lot of it doesn't have an age requirement.

What advice would you give a Libertarian candidate in a two way race against a Democrat who wants to be competitive on GSM issues, given that same sex marriage is a done deal at this point, how can they back up their social tolerance with actionable policy ideas?

Would you recommend a webinar like this?:

I would suggest that they contact a group like Outright Libertarians and learn how to be a good ally for the LGBT+ community.

Thanks for doing that webinar, I think it'll be great for our candidates.

What is your favorite kind of pizza?

The homemade kind that I make with my kids every Sunday night that I'm home.

what is your recommendation for LP members and GJ supporters in rural areas to help spread the message? going door to door isn't really a viable option, especially when trespassing on private property just to get to said door is not only wrong, but liable to get you shot at. ;)

Phone banking is a good way to get the message out.

Mr. Chairman, what is the party's stance on the FDA regulations placed on electronic cigarettes?

The FDA is actively trying to take healthier options away from people who want to quit traditional smoking, probably due to pressure from tobacco lobbyists and corporate cronies afraid of competition.

It's evil and will cost lives.

Hi Nick, thank you for taking the time to do this.

Over the last 8 years, Republicans have thrown around the term "Libertarian" a great deal. It appears now that moderate Republicans, far Left Democrats, and the media generally consider the Libertarian Party to be a Right-Wing conservative Republican-lite sort of group*. I have even met a few Libertarians that claim that Libertarianism is conservatism.

What can the Libertarian Party and Libertarians do to help fix this sort of image problem?

(*In my experience, more moderate Democrats aren't very familiar with the Libertarian Party and far Right Republicans insist it's just Democrat-lite, ironically)

We can continue to stand up for all of your freedoms, all of the time, not just the ones that appeal to one side of the political spectrum or the other. Our support for drug legalization, ending overseas wars, open immigration, and marriage equality can't be confused with conservative positions.

Are there any politicians that are considering changing to the libertarian party? You don't have to name name's just a estimate of how many

Are there any politicians that are considering changing to the libertarian party?

Yes. We've had three politicians switch in the last year, John Moore in Nevada, Laura Ebke in Nebraska, and Mark Madsen in Utah. As more people switch, I think the rate will accelerate.

Also, I have to give a shout out to the old party Presidential nominees who are making their party members want to switch. Good job recruiting for the Libertarian Party!

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Wars.


I have not allowed my children to be exposed to I-III.

Mr. Sarwark, Chairman, ruler of those that wish this land was free.

During all this INSANE unthinkable, completely out of line bullshit from the IAVA, Paul Rieckhoff, and his buddy Shawn Vandiver that he has fighting his online battles, my question is...

If you could make Coors Light or Miller High life free to us disabled combat veterans, which would you choose?

EDIT: BTW, I really appreciate your "teeth" and your lack of fear on Twitter. Thanks for having us grass-rooters backs, even though we are loud. (Its @deliveredgravy btw)

If you could make Coors Light or Miller High life free to us disabled combat veterans, which would you choose?

I'm partial to High Life myself, but I'd probably say both, so you guys could have whichever you prefer.

It appears Gov. Johnson has stagnated in the polls around 9%. How do you intend to get him up to 15% in time to get him into the debates?

How do you intend to get him up to 15% in time to get him into the debates?

Advertising, volunteering, earned media, and word of mouth.

Also an assist from the terrible candidates the old parties put up.

Can you tell me your thoughts/opinions on the legalization of marijuana use? Specifically legalizing on a federal level to then research possible medicinal applications?

I support legalizing marijuana for medical purposes and all other purposes.

Your body, your choice.

Are you concerned that the GaryJohnson/Weld ticket might be diluting the Libertarian message?

Nope. I'm excited that they are sharing the Libertarian message with so many new people who have never heard it.

Presidential campaigns last about six months, the Libertarian Party is forever.

Hello Chairman,

At the LP convention, did the people sitting in the front row get ponchos to block the spit coming from Darryl Perry?

On a serious note, Gary Johnson's poll numbers have been stagnant at around 10-11% in the past few weeks. What is the Libertarian Party doing to make a final push to ensure Gary gets into the debates? Also, if he's at thirteen or fourteen percent by the time the deadline rolls around, do you think the Commission on Presidential Debates will still let him in?

Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA!

At the LP convention, did the people sitting in the front row get ponchos to block the spit coming from Darryl Perry?

TANSTAAFP. (There ain't no such thing as a free poncho)

On a serious note, Gary Johnson's poll numbers have been stagnant at around 10-11% in the past few weeks. What is the Libertarian Party doing to make a final push to ensure Gary gets into the debates? Also, if he's at thirteen or fourteen percent by the time the deadline rolls around, do you think the Commission on Presidential Debates will still let him in?

We're doing everything possible to get his name out to the voters, which is the most important thing to improve the poll numbers. If we're short by even 0.001%, I think the CPD will keep him out.

The CPD is terrible.

Mr. Sarwark, what do you see as the future of the LP, in terms of "top-down" vs. "grass-roots-up"? Local organizing, or big national campaigns?


You can't build local excitement without something national to point to, and you can't get traction for a national campaign without a down ticket presence to show that you're serious.

How do you feel about Lily Tang Williams being excluded from the debates by less than a tenth of a percent?

I'm not pleased.

Matt Welch covered the story on Reason.

I've been talking to the party's lawyer about what our next steps should be, but it does illustrate how important it is to #ReRegister Libertarian. We're only 733 registered voters short in Colorado to Lily being eligible for that debate.

If Gary Johnson gets to 10 million. Secret Service protection is available to him. Would you recommend he turn it down on principle or take it?

Take it.

He's the best hope for our country, no need to put himself in danger of someone doing something violent.


We're at 26 units for the month, but the day isn't over yet.

Go into a dealership and ask if they're hiring a salesperson.

I've donated to the party to help secure ballot access, and to Gary a couple of times. I actively spend time online debating people on politics and economics. I live in New York City, and as far as I can tell, people are very hostile to libertarianism.

I'm also an anarchist, who is suspicious of the political process as a whole. Do you have any words of wisdom for me? Perhaps something to nudge me into activism?

I'm also an anarchist, who is suspicious of the political process as a whole. Do you have any words of wisdom for me? Perhaps something to nudge me into activism?

Politics isn't going to solve everything, but supporting the Libertarian Party sends a clearer message that you want to live your life free from the interference of the state than not voting does.

How firmly are you in the #NeverBittner camp?

How firmly are you in the #NeverBittner camp?

My commitment is unwavering.

I noticed this on your website: "But the fact is, every service supplied by the government can be provided better and cheaper by private business."

Really? Do you really think power, water, sanitary services, transportation, to name a few services, would be provided better by private businesses? How would they be cheaper? What's to prevent a monopoly from popping up, like the monopoly Comcast enjoys in many markets? And then transportation: companies run off profits. Why do you think a company would ever have an incentive to build free roads when there's no profit to be made off them?

Edit: Admittedly, power was a bad example. There are a lot of privately owned power companies. And it seems that there's places where water and sanitation services are provided by private companies, but governments do still provide these services.But some other examples: The police. Fire departments. National Park and National Forest Rangers.


Yes. Private businesses have customers to keep happy. There are far fewer incentives for a government agency to keep the service users happy.

Do you really think power, water, sanitary services, transportation, to name a few services, would be provided better by private businesses?

Yes. Uber > public transit.

How would they be cheaper?

Competition between service providers leads to lower prices. Look at the price inflation of college tuition (where there is both government provision and subsidy through student loans) compared to the price decreases for private tutoring services or free education through MOOCs or things like Khan Academy. Governments don't optimize for price because they don't have to.

What's to prevent a monopoly from popping up, like the monopoly Comcast enjoys in many markets?

Monopolies can't be sustained without government assistance. Comcast (or Cox in my city) has a monopoly because they have gotten the local government to grant them an exclusive license and prevent competitors from entering the market and pushing the price down. Look at cities that have Google Fiber for an example; the cable rates are cheaper there.

And then transportation: companies run off profits. Why do you think a company would ever have an incentive to build free roads when there's no profit to be made off them?

Transportation companies don't necessarily have an incentive to build roads, but businesses that depend on traffic for distribution and for customers to come through the door do. All of the roads in subdevelopments are built by the property developer, not the government and then often maintained by the homeowner's association.

There's more than one way to solve a problem, don't let your lack of imagination convince you otherwise.

Thanks for convincing me to not vote Libertarian!

Did you really need my help?

If "taxation is theft", who pays for public services like emergency healthcare, mental healthcare, housing for the homeless, roads, police, public parks, and fire departments?

How does libertarianism stop corporations or people from polluting the environment, and not just through literal dumping, but things like building a tower that significantly lowers the property value for dozens of others by blocking a key sight line, or employing a huge workforce but having no parking? Basically, what's libertarianism's answers to the Tragedy of the Commons?

To be clear, these aren't meant to be "gotcha" questions, I used to be a big believer in libertarianism myself, but these are the things that made me turn away from it and towards something more like democratic socialism. I'm genuinely curious at your answers to them.

If "taxation is theft", who pays for public services like emergency healthcare, mental healthcare, housing for the homeless, roads, police, public parks, and fire departments?

Objection, compound question.

Taxation is theft. What I think you're asking is, how do we pay for things that people want without taking the money as taxes?

If things are something people actually want, they will pay for them. Taxation is a way of getting people to pay for things that they don't want, but you are sure they ought to want and thus ought to pay for.

Taxes didn't fund the "cajun navy" that rescued people from the flooding in Baton Rouge when government service went down. When I worked as a public defender, I worked with many organizations that housed the homeless and assisted the mentally ill. Most of those were set up as charitable organizations and successfully fund-raised to support their good works.

I will concede that it's easier to take people's money to fund the things you want to do than to convince them that they should voluntarily give it to you. Easy doesn't make it right.

How does libertarianism stop corporations or people from polluting the environment, and not just through literal dumping, but things like building a tower that significantly lowers the property value for dozens of others by blocking a key sight line, or employing a huge workforce but having no parking? Basically, what's libertarianism's answers to the Tragedy of the Commons?

One of the downsides of giving a regulatory agency a monopoly on enforcement actions for things like pollution (EPA) or securities fraud (SEC) is that it prevents the people actually harmed by the bad actor from collecting for their damages. When the EPA fines a polluter, the money goes into the government coffers, not to the damaged parties. When the SEC fines a big bank, most of the fine goes into the government coffers, not to the damaged party.

When bad actors act in a marketplace, customers can withdraw their business and boycott. Boycotts got the Indiana RFRA repealed where politicians couldn't. Bad press can kill a company much more swiftly and effectively than government action, especially when the regulatory agencies are run by a rotating cast of characters from the industries being regulated.

Look at the bios for the heads of the SEC or the Mine Safety and Health Administration. It's industry guys retiring to play enforcer over their buddies back at the bank or the mine company. Regulatory capture should scare you a lot more than the tragedy of the commons.

It seems to me that this question reached the top after he left.

I even came back to answer it.


No, never. Tell me more.

If things are something people actually want, they will pay for them.

The post-Napster music industry would beg to differ.

I missed the collapse of iTunes.

Hi Mr. Sarwark!

I have two questions for you:

I know that the Libertarian Party is against having the federal government involved in education, and I understand why, but I have yet to really see how the Libertarian Party would provide education for all children. I know that if I did not have public education (for better or worse), I would have no education at all. How would the Party fill that gap for those who would not have the funds to pay for their child's education?

My second question has to do with inclusion. The Libertarian Party is made up primarily of straight, white men. How does the Libertarian Party plan to bring in more minorities (racial, sexual, etc.) and women? Is this even a goal of the Party?

Thank you for doing this AMA!

I know that the Libertarian Party is against having the federal government involved in education, and I understand why, but I have yet to really see how the Libertarian Party would provide education for all children. I know that if I did not have public education (for better or worse), I would have no education at all. How would the Party fill that gap for those who would not have the funds to pay for their child's education?

Thank you for the question. Elementary through high school education will probably continue to be locally provided for the foreseeable future. In some states (like Maryland where I used to live), there is a guarantee in the state constitution of free government provided education. When it's at the state level, at least the decision is closer to the voters and people can move to states that have different rules.

My kids go to a government school here in Phoenix, but we also have a hybrid system here with open enrollment in the district and charter schools and voucher programs. It's not a perfect system, but we're engaged and people are trying.

When I went to a private religious school as a child, members of the community and the more well off families would fund scholarships for kids (like myself) whose parents couldn't afford full tuition. I believe that people are fundamentally good and want to help other people.

Where I think we can agree is that the Federal government is not adding value to the actual provision of education to children. They take tax dollars for a bureaucracy, provide mandates from Washington, and generally make things worse.

My second question has to do with inclusion. The Libertarian Party is made up primarily of straight, white men. How does the Libertarian Party plan to bring in more minorities (racial, sexual, etc.) and women? Is this even a goal of the Party?

We're trying to be more welcoming and I'm seeing a lot more diversity than we had when I first got involved in the party. If you go look at our LNC Leadership page it's still pretty white, but there are more women, young people, and people of color than there used to be.

There are no barriers to leadership in the Libertarian Party. If you are willing to step up and do the work of fighting for freedom, we welcome you with open arms. That's why the popularity of Gary Johnson is such a thorn in the side of the alt-right. We reject their racism and bigotry, we just want freedom.

Thanks for doing this AMA. I studied economics in college and have identified with some form or another of libertarianism ever since. I have 2 questions:

1) How do you feel about the negative income tax proposed by Milton Friedman for lower income people? I feel like it could be a pretty uniting issue and is a more responsible type of basic income.

2) One of the issues that has made me step back a bit from Gary Johnson after being a strong supporter initially is his proposal for a national sales tax. The main issues I have are: a) consumption taxes can be regressive, meaning they abnormally affect lower income individuals b) they can have an adverse affect on consumption, which slows the velocity of money circulating through the economy (i.e. the money multiplier affect) What are your thoughts on how to counteract these negatives?

Is there really value in making such a fringe view on taxation such a large part of the party platform?

1) How do you feel about the negative income tax proposed by Milton Friedman for lower income people? I feel like it could be a pretty uniting issue and is a more responsible type of basic income.

It's not part of the platform, but I've always liked the simplicity of a negative income tax as part of a social safety net proposed by Hayek. It's less susceptible to gamesmanship and corruption and has much lower administrative overhead. If taxation is theft (and it is) but people want a safety net (and they do), shouldn't we try to take as little as possible and get as much of it as possible to those who actually benefit?

2) One of the issues that has made me step back a bit from Gary Johnson after being a strong supporter initially is his proposal for a national sales tax. The main issues I have are: a) consumption taxes can be regressive, meaning they abnormally affect lower income individuals b) they can have an adverse affect on consumption, which slows the velocity of money circulating through the economy (i.e. the money multiplier affect) What are your thoughts on how to counteract these negatives?

The regression is counteracted through a prebate, though that gets us back to the overhead issues I mentioned above. The monetary velocity issue is real, though there is some evidence that the currently high velocity is leading to malinvestment as so much capital chases so few opportunities.

Gary's not perfect on every issue, but if you strip off party label and just look at qualifications and character, he's the only person running for President who I would trust with the job.

Since when is the Libertarian Party the "only growing political party in the United States"? Support for the Green Party has doubled in the past few months, going up from 2% in April to 5% today.

I was referencing partisan voter registration figures, not poll numbers for a particular candidate. See my sources here.

He's probably using membership numbers, not poll numbers, and if not that then he's using some other metric by which the LP looks good and the Greens (and Dems/Reps) look bad.

That's politics for ya.

Voter registration numbers.

Tracked by the government.

Right-leaning libertarian here. I hold Ron Paul as near a perfect candidate as has been found, but was excited to vote for Gary Johnson in 2012 and even attended a fundraiser. I expected to hold my nose on some of the social issues and happily do the same this year.

...and then the comments on the TPP came out. The fact that Johnson would support such a comprehensive agreement on the basis of some guy telling him it may be good for free trade is embarrassing. I can disagree with someone on multiple issues and still support them, but this screams that he's just not taking the race seriously.

Can you convince me that I'm wrong? ...that he is taking this seriously and would recant such a disagreeable decision after taking proper time to research and reflect?

Can you convince me that I'm wrong? ...that he is taking this seriously and would recant such a disagreeable decision after taking proper time to research and reflect?

He's taking the race seriously. The TPP is a massive agreement that has some good things in it and some bad things in it. It's more sensible for him to ask a Cato scholar who has actually read it and analyzed it for his/her take on the overall agreement than to take time away from campaigning to read the whole thing.

But let's say he's completely wrong on the issue. Is there another candidate in the race who you agree with on more issues than Gary Johnson. Go ahead and take the quiz, it'll let you compare all of your positions with all of the candidate's positions.

If you find a candidate you agree with more than Gary Johnson, you owe it to yourself to vote for him/her.

I've had a few conversations with Libiterians, one thing they do not seem to be able to adequately explain to me is their concept of an economy without tax.

As for my question, with the above in mind, how exactly is the government expected to cover the costs of things like maintenance and education, and the multiple other required expenditures, without taxation?

I took a break from my work day to answer that question above.

"Taxation is theft" is such a vague declaration, you can't really call it a policy. And the LP is a political party, so you can deduce they're not 100% anarchist, but that's pretty much it.

You may disagree with it, but "taxation is theft" is not a vague statement. It's as definitive a statement as one can make.

I appreciate how the Libertarian party has positioned itself as the only good choice when the alternatives are so bad, but the reason we have such bad alternatives is the plurality FPTP voting system we use.

Why hasn't the Libertarian ticket addressed this and do have a position on comprehensive voting reform?

Why hasn't the Libertarian ticket addressed this and do have a position on comprehensive voting reform?

The party platform supports voting reform. The ticket is running within the system we currently have.

The Libertarian Party wasn't listed when I was applying to vote in the state of New York. How can I join the state party? How can I help the LP get listed by on NY voter registration forms?

The Libertarian Party wasn't listed when I was applying to vote in the state of New York. How can I join the state party? How can I help the LP get listed by on NY voter registration forms?

You can find more information on the Libertarian Party of New York here.

Would you have signed the Civil Rights Act?

Would you have signed the Civil Rights Act?

I would have signed the provisions restricting government mandated discrimination like segregation in public schools, etc. I think that there are more effective ways to deal with private discrimination (see Jonathan Rauch's "Kindly Inquisitors" for a long treatment of the subject) than with government regulation.

Since a law is presented as a package and there was not a line-item veto, I probably would have signed it at the time and in the historical context.

He will not answer this because the answer is no and he knows how unpopular that is.

Except I answered it.

Is it really the only growing political party in the United States? Turnout numbers in the Republican primaries seem to suggest substantial growth since 2012.

It's the only political party growing in partisan voter registration numbers. source

Do you expect the Libertarian party and other non-Republican/non-Democratic parties to ever participate in regular televised debates on policy?
How about debates sponsored by the League of Women voters, since the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) forced them out of sponsoring any more Democrat/Republican Presidential debates?

Do you expect the Libertarian party and other non-Republican/non-Democratic parties to ever participate in regular televised debates on policy?

Yes, I think the time is coming. We have ideas that are increasingly popular and TV stations want to sell ad time. The CNN town hall was #1 in the 18-34 demographic, which is advertising gold.

How about debates sponsored by the League of Women voters, since the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) forced them out of sponsoring any more Democrat/Republican Presidential debates?

Libertarians often do participate in LWV debates at all of the levels below President (which is controlled by the corrupt cheaty cheaters at the CPD).

Hello Mr. Sarwark. Many disenfranchised voters are looking 3rd party this year, mainly the Libertarian and Green parties. Obviously people should look at each party platform to see what they stand for, but I wonder if you have any thoughts on the Green Party and significant similarities or differences between the two?

Edit: AMA lasted only 2 hours. Way to connect with your voting base, guys. Maybe someday politicians will learn about the internet.... Only the most important invention of our lifetimes.

That reason is why I supported Lawrence Lessig's campaign this year (head of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, seen often on Techdirt). Hopefully Lessig will run in 2020.

Hello Mr. Sarwark. Many disenfranchised voters are looking 3rd party this year, mainly the Libertarian and Green parties. Obviously people should look at each party platform to see what they stand for, but I wonder if you have any thoughts on the Green Party and significant similarities or differences between the two?

The Green Party is limited by the popularity of their ideology. Freedom is popular across traditional political lines; radical environmentalism and socialism appeals strictly to the left.

They are also stunted by running Nader repeatedly. He gave them a boost from name recognition, but they didn't do the grassroots organizing to have functional affiliate parties across all 50 states like the Libertarian Party has.

Edit: AMA lasted only 2 hours. Way to connect with your voting base, guys. Maybe someday politicians will learn about the internet.... Only the most important invention of our lifetimes.

How long do you expect an AMA to be? They're typically only an hour, I took two and then came back later for more. What amount of time were you expecting?

Thanks for your reply, sorry if I came off a bit salty. While I've been a Redditor for years i don't know the standard length of time for an ama, but all the amas i remember most had more than a few hours of interaction, which i guess is a lot to ask from someone of your position. That said the way Reddits algorithm works means that most people will not see your post until many hours after the ama is complete which tends to leave people unsatisfied when they see hundreds of questions unanswered. This is especially true of political or corporate AMAs, as it feels like a token "QnA" session without much interaction ... Purely PR without much effort on open communication. Especially since reddit has a huge viewerbase, probably much more than cnn.

Leaving and coming back is acceptable, just make sure you communicate that you are coming back.

Thanks for taking the time to come back. I'm on the fence between 3rd parties, they all have positives and negatives. Hopefully this AMA will get more people to vote 3rd party!

The two main parties are trash. Don't throw your vote away with the trash!

No worries. I get a lot of trolls and I can be kind of savage.

I'm an actual Redditor, so it's easy for me to keep answering questions.

How is the TPP a Libertarian value? How does the TPP represent Libertarian values? This is the reason you will lose the election, no libertarian wants a bigger corporate governement that has more power and influence while turning their backs on small business. Giving sovereignty of the law to corperations that are litterally owned and operated by foreign governments is dangerous.

EDIT: words

How is the TPP a Libertarian value?

TPP is a treaty, not a value.

What do you think is the route to get rid of first past the post voting?

I don't know the path, but I like the destination.

I'm no economics major, but returning to the gold standard seems like a horrible idea from what I have read. I will be voting for Gary Johnson, but can you speak to why Libertarians favor the gold standard?

I'm no economics major, but returning to the gold standard seems like a horrible idea from what I have read. I will be voting for Gary Johnson, but can you speak to why Libertarians favor the gold standard?

Some Libertarians favor the gold standard, some like bitcoin, some favor a Friedman static rate of monetary inflation. The thing that ties all of those together is that they are not susceptible to manipulation by governments to inflate away savings or give out special favors to cronies in the way our current central banking system allows.

What is your stance on Right to Work and, if you support it, why don't you agree with Milton Friedman's stance on it?

What is your stance on Right to Work and, if you support it, why don't you agree with Milton Friedman's stance on it?

I support complete freedom of association in the labor market. Right to work makes some thing (firing people) more easy, but makes other things (organizing) more difficult. I'd like labor and capital to both stop trying to use the law to tilt the playing field in their favor.

Thank you for the answer, but I feel as if it is a dodge. Do you believe that it should be allowed for a business to engage in a closed shop contract? Shouldn't a business have that freedom?

Probably, but this one is a tricky issue.

Do you honestly feel like you have a shot? I mean can you get enough people aware of you as an option to have a viable run for president?

Yes and yes.

What is your party doing to make sure your candidates can be more than just a protest vote?

Everything we can.

What are you guys going to do about racist Republicans who don't like being found out and they just decided to cop the libertarian tag to hide again?

Racists are not very comfortable in my Libertarian Party and will not be as long as I am Chair.

I support your right to be a racist, but I'm going to officially speak out against the racist war on drugs, against immigration restrictions, against cops killing people of color.

Are you concerned about a repeat of the 1980-1984 issues between now and 2020, when people like Ed Crane felt it necessary to leave the party? Or are the two situations different in your view.

I'm not concerned. The walkout in 1983 was based on a showdown between the Rothbard faction and the Crane/Koch faction.

The culture now is one of coexistence between all Libertarians and the factional infighting has been mostly stopped. We still fight over platform planks and nominees, but we come together after the voting is done and work for the good of the Libertarian Party.

I was a huge supporter of GJ in 2012, and I was a bit disappointed that we only got 1% (I thought we would get more).

Do you believe that last election many supporters got cold feet and went for Romney or Obama at the last second? If so...would you say that the fact that both Trump and Hillary are so disliked that far less people will get cold feet and will actually follow through on election day?

Do you believe that last election many supporters got cold feet and went for Romney or Obama at the last second?


If so...would you say that the fact that both Trump and Hillary are so disliked that far less people will get cold feet and will actually follow through on election day?

Yes. There's also cool projects like the Balanced Rebellion that let people vote against two candidates they hate at the same time.

Is the campaign/party actively approaching the large donors of the Republican Party that have not given to trump such as the Coke brothers?

Yes. We have much better major donor fundraising this election cycle.

Plurality voting (first-past-the-post) basically guarantees a two-party system. It has worked since 1856 for the D's and R's, and the previous system collapsed not because of a third party but because one issue - slavery - was tearing the nation apart and brought down one of the big two (the Whigs).

So, as things stand now, it is impossible for the LP to win elections, and this has been confirmed every election since the party was founded.

My question is: (when) will the party make voting reform its top priority?

When we're sure that we don't have a better chance of breaking the Whigs.

Hey, I once considered myself a Libertarian, and still consider myself ideologically libertarian. After a decade or so of research and contemplation, my general sense is that in practice Libertarians either support a weird kind of dictatorship of the individual where Society cannot express its will, for example in pollution controls, or noise ordinances, or abusive financial practices; or simply replacing the tyranny of Washington with the tyranny of your state capital. What would you say to someone who believes as I do that Libertarians are really only about getting power for themselves rather than freedom for everyone?

What would you say to someone who believes as I do that Libertarians or really only about getting power for themselves rather than freedom for everyone?

That I support your freedom to believe whatever you want to.

And I'd ask you how the system currently in place is working out for you.

Yeah, that's disappointing. I've always found that Libertarians tend to appeal to an ideology rather than reason. It's disappointing to see the chairman of the party do exactly that.

More and more I see libertarianism as a religion, and not a valid political philosophy.

Honestly it's the obstructionist Libertarians in Congress that prevent the current system from working. So I'm not sure I would say that the current system isn't working and libertarianism is the answer, I would say libertarianism is a cancer in the current system.

You have unsupported beliefs about what other people's motivations are. How would you suggest I respond to that?

By stating your own beliefs? You're not running for anything dude, grandstanding doesn't get you anywhere. You are trying to build support for your party, and attacking people who ask you questions (unfair as they may be) is an interesting strategy.

It kind of goes to the point I made before about libertarianism and religion. If I tell a religious person I disagree with their beliefs, they're likely to tell me that my beliefs are wrong and unsupported rather than making a compelling case for their own position.

Regarding "unsupported" - I kind of gave a list of the charactersitics and positions I was talking about, not sure if you saw that.

Pollution controls: libertarians candidates and voters have regularly stated that the government should not be able to control pollution.

Financial Regulation: Libt's have regularly stated that governments should not be able to regulate business.

Noise Ordn's: See above.

Tyranny of Washington v. Tyranny of State Capitol: I live in Texas, where the state regularly engages in this kind of behavior (with one hand, telling Washington they are overreaching, and with the other giving directives to even more local city governments which want to run their cities as their citizens want).

I admit I'm rendering Libertarians in a negative light here. What I'm trying to get from you though is a compelling alternative narrative. The "you're a meany" response is, as I said, disappointing. I'm looking for you to have the same passion and energy about your beliefs (but not 'emotional' passion but rather 'reason' passion - like Antonin Scalia, constructing a strong argument for his cases (even if they were nonsense, they were compelling!)) as I do.

You want me to convince you that we're not "just trying to get power for ourselves" and that we're not "a cancer in the current system."

I'm not interested. Keep your beliefs about my motivations and go in peace.

Best of luck in your future endeavors.

What is your stance on Harambe?

My dick is out as I type this.

Mr. Chairman,

When it comes to environmental protection what is your opinion on the best way to prevent companies or individuals from dumping toxic chemicals into our water and air?

Punish them in the marketplace. Customers can kill a company and do so every day.

What do you value more?

Pragmatism or principle?


Mr. Sarwak, Why do you think your party is not as popular as the republican or democratic partys? Also what are your opinions of Donald trump?

We're newer and they cheat to block competition.

My opinions of the Republican nominee are not suitable for the gentle readers of Reddit. Now 4chan, maybe...

Why doesn't the Libertarian party do more to advocate for alternatives to winner-take-all voting? Absent the demise of one of the two major parties (which actually seems less unrealistic of an outcome now than it did a year or two ago) that seems like the most likely avenue by which another party can achieve significant influence.

Your answer is in the sentence after your question.

We do advocate for voting reform, but I'd rather destroy one (or both) of the old parties.

Hello Mr. Sarwark!

Thanks a ton for taking the time to do this AMA, it means a lot to me. As a 20 year old college student, I was excited to vote in my first presidential election this year--until I saw the candidates haha. Until recent months, I had never heard of the libertarian party, but I'm now very interested. I know now more than ever how important it is to make an informed voting decision, especially in this election.

My question for you is the one I'm willing to bet you get the most often: what can you do for me? As an active college student who absolutely loves higher learning, I'm getting discouraged by the rising cost of higher level degrees and how, as a country, we're falling behind in the academic race. What are the LP's thoughts on this, or other things a college student might be interested in?

My question for you is the one I'm willing to bet you get the most often: what can you do for me? As an active college student who absolutely loves higher learning, I'm getting discouraged by the rising cost of higher level degrees and how, as a country, we're falling behind in the academic race. What are the LP's thoughts on this, or other things a college student might be interested in?

We need to end government subsidized student loans. When you subsidize higher education, you create a price floor which inflates the cost of all higher education.

We also need to remove the government favor to the banks that makes student loan debt nondischargeable in bankruptcy. If lenders were aware that a student could have their loans discharged in bankruptcy proceedings, they would not lend for students to go to substandard colleges or to get degrees with low payoffs.

they would not lend for students to go to substandard colleges or to get degrees with low payoffs.

So...You're openly admitting that lenders would refuse to offer student loans to low-paying degrees like, oh I dunno, Secondary Education? EDIT: URL includes a set of parentheses, Reddit formatting is confused.,_Secondary_Education/Salary

So there's a national shortage of qualified, competent teachers, and your suggestion is to remove the ability of most students to afford to become qualified, competent teachers? It's a bold move, Cotton...

And then there's the whole "sub-standard" college issue to deal with. Not everyone can afford to go to Harvard, which means you're basically telling anyone anywhere near the poverty line to go fuck themselves and stay out of higher education. You're also telling colleges that serve those communities to go fuck themselves. Most of those kids have the option of "mediocre local college" or "nothing," and that's with government subsidized student loans. Poor people don't deserve higher education, apparently.

Lending decisions are made based on likelihood of repayment. If the data are that a person who gets a particular degree or goes to a particular school is unlikely to be able to repay the loan, then you shouldn't lend the money.

Unless you're just giving it away.

If Gov. Johnson is elected, who will comprise his cabinet? Libertarians only? Or will members of other parties be included as well?

He's stated that he would get the best people from the Libertarian Party and the other two old parties, for a tripartisan administration.

Do you think the LP has a problem with a portion of the activist base disregarding professionalism? James Weeks, Starchild, and various neckbeards who always seem to get the camera's attention. What can we do to promote professionalism among libertarian activists?

We get attention because of the colorful people in the party, but I still get elected Chair.

Any plans to answer the two most upvoted and only difficult questions in the either thread?


I have a question: Do you plan on answering any of the tough questions in this thread?


Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized Keynes or 1 Keynes-sized duck?

1 Keynes-sized duck.

Single target is easier to dodge and counterattack.

Do you consider yourself abiding to the principles of Austrian economics then?

Probably not.

"I'm a rebel, Dottie."

Why do I only hear about you and your platform once every 4 years?

You're not listening or the media is choosing not to repeat our message.

Since libertarians are free to run for the Republican nomination and be on nationally televised debates, how is what you're doing anything more than brazen attention-seeking with potentially devastating effects as a spoiler?

Since black people are allowed to go to separate schools, how is what they're doing anything more than brazen attention seeking?

The Libertarian Party is a separate and distinct political party from the Republican Party.

I'm going to ask some more obscure questions that you or your party may not have answered, or maybe you/they have.

What is your/your party's opinion on getting rid of the penny? The reasons to remove the penny are that it costs more to make than you get in return, roughly 82 MILLION dollars more, and is not economically beneficial at all. Knowing you're a libertarian, you would want to cut taxes if you removed the penny.

What is your/your party's opinion on the current voting system (First Past The Post)? If you don't agree with the current system of voting, which system would you want the U.S. to convert to? (For example Proportional Representation, Single Transferable Vote, Mixed-Member Proportional Representation, etc.)

What do you and your party think of Gerrymandering, Daylight Saving Time, staying true to the Constitution, the Electorial College, and things like that?

Don't care about the penny.

Don't like current voting system.

Gerrymandering lets politicians pick their voters and sucks.

Daylight Savings Time should be abolished. I have the pleasure of living in Arizona, where it already is.

Who was the first libertarian mayor?

I don't know who the first was, but Willy Star Marshall of Big Water, Utah may have been the best. Look him up.

Did you know my father, James Ridenour? He ran for governor of Indiana in 1984 and Kentucky State Senate in 1992. If you did know him and have any stories, I'd love to hear one.

He was before my time, but I'll bet the Indiana State Chair, Joe Hauptmann has some stories. You should email him.

Do you really think Gary Johnson is a true Libertarian?? I don't. I've voted Libertarian for the almost 20 years and this is the first time I ever looked at a Libertarian candidate and thought " The Libertarian party has sold out.". So where do we go from here?


Where we go from here is up to the Libertarian Party's members. If you don't like where we're going, join the party, get active, and change it.

Why does your party cling to such pro-big business ideas as privitization and deregulation? You would have me and many others if it weren't for this.

Supporting the free market is different from, and often directly opposed to, big business.

What are your thoughts on the government moving away from private prisons when your party seems to be all for them?

People shouldn't profit off of caging other human beings.

That's pretty good rhetoric without actually answering the question.

I'm opposed to private prisons.

Why are you trying to get Hillary elected by putting Johnson in the debates?

Mostly to piss you off. Is it working?

No because he isnt at 15%

Wait for it.

Explain why I should vote Libertarian this year with BILL WELD on the ticket?

I voted Johnson in 12, no way in hell that's happening this year. Johnson and Weld seem more like GOP moderates than legitimate 3rd party options.


Because you probably agree with Gary Johnson's positions more than any other candidate. If you want to spite yourself because you don't like Bill Weld, that's on you.

How about Jill Stein?

How about her?

Hoosier here! In Indiana we state what party we are vote for and they give us according ballots will we have the option to pick libertarian on election day?

Yes, you will have the option to vote Libertarian on Election Day and you should.

What are your thoughts on Gary Johnson's running mate, Bill Weld's, stance on gun control?

Bill Weld just published an op-ed on the Second Amendment today. You should check it out.

How did you get to such a job? what advice could you give to an 18 yr old who has no idea what to do with there life?

I was active in the Libertarian Party since 1999, but my job is a volunteer one.

I would suggest learning computer science. It was my first career and very useful even outside of employment.

Hi Mr. Sarwark,

I'm a young Economist and I'm curious to your view on Monetary and Fiscal Policy? Libertarians seem to be very divided with answers, either from lack of Economic literacy or just diversification of economic ideology ranging from Hayek, Mises, Friedman etc.

Thank you for your time and I appreciate the outreach to the Reddit community.

I lean Friedman and Hayek.

I have voted for the Libertarian presidential candidate since clinton v bush.

Your VP candidate just stated he supports gun control and the "terrorist watch list" that has no constitutional foundation.

Why should I continue to vote Libertarian with this asshole allowed in?

He just wrote an op-ed on the Second Amendment. You should give it a read.

Any chance of getting a debate?


I see a lot to like in the libertarian platform, but the "healthy" remark in this post was a huge turnoff for me. There's no evidence whatsoever that Hillary Clinton has any significant health issues, and perpetuating that myth is no more constructive than Trump's support of birtherism. I've always seen the libertarian party as a generally smart group - why in the world would you embrace that kind of trash?

Johnson is younger and healthier than both of his opponents. That's just a fact. Up to you if it's important to your voting choices.

Probably it's too late, but: What is a Libertarian's answer to people like Shkreli, who drive up the price for a lifesaving drug beyond reason? I'm sure Ayn Rand would be proud, but obviously people are outraged.

Am I a moocher if I'm upset that a drug that used to cost $10 a pop suddenly costs $500 a pop?

He got smacked by the market, as it should be.

What is your answer to a Senator's daughter using her political connections to prevent competition for the EpiPen?

With no federal intervention, what would your plans be in case of a worldwide fedora shortage?

I'd contact the Hasidic Jewish community, they usually have good haberdasher connections.

Hello Mr. Sarwark!

First off, I'd like to say thank you for everything you do for the Libertarian party.

How would you suggest a young libertarian go about joining the LP and getting into politics in general?

Sign up and contact your state party to get involved.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

I don't remember, but I've been a lawyer, a car dealer, a computer scientist, a politician, a husband, a son, and a father.

I can't complain.

I don't know if you're still answering questions, but I voted for gary johnson in 2012, but with trump being on the ballot I don't feel like I can vote for him again this year. I am willing to vote for someone I don't agree with to avoid a trump presidency (Clinton). What do you feel about people saying voting for a third party is the same as voting for trump?

Check out the Balanced Rebellion, it has the solution to your problem.


I haven't read Ripstein, but violating rights to ensure rights exist seems oddly circular to me.

What do you think of the other candidates for president?

That they're not as good, honest, or qualified as Gary Johnson.

how does it feel to be the most fucked over party in the political system? Fuck GJ though, hes a globalist

Haters gonna hate, statists gonna state.

How do you feel about the rate at which the Green Party is also growing...?

Their voter registration numbers have been declining, like all the other parties that are not the Libertarian Party.

I moved to Oregon a few years ago and registers with the Libertarian Party here. I saw they were on Facebook and "joined" that as well, however, it seems all I see at a local level here is bickering. Is it like this all over, or is Oregon a special case? It's enough to make me "un-register" from the party.

Oregon is a special case, but please don't let other people's bad behavior stop you from doing the right thing.

What is better to stop the CIA from reading my mind? A pasta strainer, or just regular aluminum foil?

Aluminum foil is best, but shiny side out is a rookie error.

What's it like to be Nicholas Spark? Do you write to what you think your target audience will be into or do you have inspirations of real life love tales for each of your books?

It's awesome.

Every book is based on one of my many romances.

What do you say to the claims that your party nominated Statists this go around?

I say that almost 1,000 Libertarian Party delegates picked the candidates they thought would best represent the Libertarian Party. It wasn't rigged like the old parties, it was a contested convention with very good candidates.

So far, their choice has been very successful.

What proves you're the only growing political party?

Voter registration statistics.

Why is it that the Libertarian Party seems obligated to take the full-on no-holds-barred libertarian position on so many issues? What's wrong with a more nuanced, centrist approach that is libertarian-leaning? It feels like Maslow's hammer in many ways.

As Shaw said, reasonable men adapt to the world, unreasonable men adapt the world to themselves, so all progress is made by unreasonable men.

We demand all of your freedoms, all of the time. If we fail to get everything we want, we still get more freedom. See, e.g. cannabis legalization and marriage equality, things the Libertarian Party has been fighting for since 1971.

Well, if you're going full-bore, you shouldn't want marriage equality. You should want government out of the marriage business entirely. Enforce it as a contract if need be between consenting parties. That would allow contractual arrangements between anybody, and plural marriages, or anything else people can envision within their own religious or non-religious ideals of coming together.

But those are fairly easy issues. My point is that the LP gives the impression that it is operating under the assumption that there simply is no set of rights that individuals can consciously abdicate to the government for the sake of improving their situation. But that's the entire point of government in the first place -- you've just drawn the line elsewhere.

For example, the LP's platform includes a statement that it opposes government subsidies in any form. Period. That is faith in a free market to a fault. Free markets work, but they also break down in some situations. It's not like the alternative is Red China. But your platform is literally to sally forth despite these issues because, hey, free markets are the best!

What this election needs is less blind following of ideologies, not a third party doing exactly that. And the libertarian ideology is generally, in my mind, the best baseline, but rabid defense of these issues in the face of absolutely valid criticism is a great way to set it back. The progress you'll claim as your own will end up having to be made by someone more reasonable -- damn the pithy quote.

We do want government out of interpersonal relationships.

How can coloradans help senator hopeful lily williams now that she's been barred from debating!?

Register Libertarian and contact Club20 to let them know you want her in their debate.

How can you sleep at night knowing you are pushing yet another Koch agenda upon the American people?

On my side and soundly.

I apologize for the very basic question, But what are important Libertarian ideals?

Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff.

Anything that's peaceful.

Why are you enabling Hillary Clinton?

My hatred for America.

Hope you're still here! Voted and registered as Libertarian when I was 18 years old (8 years ago) for my first election. I grew up in a conservative family with a lot of socially liberal attitudes, so I never really felt like I fit into a political slot. I have always been that one friend during a conversation that says, "I am not stupid for voting third party," while effectively party killing any Clinton/Trump debate. I just want to say I am so excited to be a part of this political platform.

For those of us who wish to pursue community work, social reform, or even participate in local government bodies and committees, what are some of the best resources and areas that make the biggest difference? How should the emerging body of Libertarians make their way into the local political systems without succumbing to the Republican/Democrat label?

Edit: Clarity.

Get involved with your state and local Libertarian Party. Pursue social change, but don't closet your libertarianism.

I spent five years as a public defender, working for very little money and keeping poor people out of cages. I did it because of my Libertarian values, not in spite of them.

Thank you for your support and keep up the good work.

Hello, I've been looking at the changes proposed by you and your party and it hit me that these are some very substantial changes which would likely take longer than 4-8 years to accomplish and there's a high possibility someone from another party would get elected the cycle after if a libertarian candidate were to win the election. In addition, Congress would still be controlled by the big two parties. How would you be able to accomplish what you're looking to do?

We probably wouldn't get it all done, but we'd start moving in the right direction. Wouldn't that be great?

Hey Nicholas, big fan! What is the Libertarian Party ballot status for Kentucky, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut? I saw a lawsuit against Kentucky for fairer ballot access failed, is that bad news for this year?

We should be on the ballot in all of those states.

How does it feel to be the party of angsty selfish white teenagers every where?

It's pretty much the best thing ever.

How does it feel to be inept at trolling?

Party registration numbers. This is from 2014: The numbers are about halfway down the page (though keep in mind they are compiled only from the 30 states that track voter registration). That's just what I found, I believe there's something somewhere that has 2016 numbers but I didn't find it. And it's probable that the Green Party is growing in membership this year but I believe the phrase "the only growing political party" came about back in 2014 or so, so you're right in that they should probably hold back on using that phrase since the Green Party is likely growing quite a bit this year.

If I see new data, I may change what I say, but the latest voter registration numbers I have access to have us as the only growing party.

Hello! Why do you consider taxes theft instead of a general agreement by the population to pay for services for the public good?

Because people didn't agree.

Dot you think anything can be learnt from international liberal parties, such as the UK's liberal democrats?

They have some good lessons for how to change policy without being the biggest party.

Why do you say "the only growing political party" in the united states, completely ignoring the green party? Johnson and Stein need to work together to get into the debates.

Because the Green Party's voter registration numbers are declining as well.

How does your economic model protect against accumulating all the natural capital on the planet? If it doesn't, is that simply an inevitability you wish to hasten?

Do you still believe in chain letters?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. Let me dial it back to something a little less grandiose. How do you reconcile a desire to see a world that maximizes personal liberty with an economic model that encourages the hoarding of scarce resources? How are people born into a pre-owned world going to navigate into a position to be competitive with folks who already own so much?

I realize that good capitalists aren't just sitting around on resources, instead putting them to work where possible, but there seems to be something lacking in terms of genuine upward mobility. How much liberty can you have living on someone else's land?

The theory behind chain letters is that one can build a never-ending pyramid of recipients that will make the initial sender filthy rich. It doesn't work and neither does the idea that all capital will be accumulated.

The free market doesn't reward hoarding, it rewards the investment of capital into productive enterprise.

If barriers to mobility are removed, then the dynamism of the resulting system creates better results for everyone.

Hello Chairman Sarwark,

Are there any contemporary or historical countries with a political/economic system that the Libertarian Party looks to as a model? Is there proof throughout history that laissez-faire political philosophy works?

British Hong Kong and saga era Iceland are good examples.

Would you like to see a large third and 4th party turnout as opposed to just a large amount of votes for your candidate?

The Libertarians have a LOT more in common with the Green party than with the Republicans or Democrats, do you guys campaign with that message?

I hate the two old parties, I merely compete with the Greens.

I am sorry. I know how interesting a movement can be, and how seductive it can be to stop thinking and join a movement. But any reflection on history will show that libertarian is really just an easy opt out of responsibility of those in power. So what is your next step? Since this is either a stop on your path or a way to gain votes, what are you going to do next?

My next step is nothing more or less than a world set free in my lifetime.

How would you replace the police?

With an organization that didn't steal people's stuff through civil asset forfeiture.

why do you hate poor people?

One of us spent five years of his life at low wages keeping poor people out of cages.

It's not you.

How much money did Soros give the libertarian party this year?

None that I know of, and I thank most of the large donors personally.

But if he wants to give, here's the link.

How did you become such a good parliamentarian and class act? I enjoyed how you dealt with the stripper at the convention.

Practice, practice, practice.

I also have three little children.

Why is your joke candidate getting more attention than Jill Stein, when her policies are in line with Bernie Sanders and Johnson's policies aren't even really libertarian?

Because he's going to be on all 50 state ballots and she's not.


Only two hours and then coming back to answer all the ones after I left.

I suck.

What is the Libertarian answer to automation in the job market? With self driving cars, general purpose robots, and machinery coming closer and closer to matching the wits and smarts of humans, a lot of occupations are at risk. How do you answer such an issue without government interventions such as Universal Basic Income?

When jobs are automated, it lets people do other things with that time. There's nothing noble in unnecessary work.

Do you see the growth of libertarianism in the US expanding to Canada? If so why?

Yes, because Tim Moen is a badass.

Look him up.

Why is everyone in your party so lazy?

Why can't you fundraise?

Why can't you focus on one city, one governorship, one Congressional seat? Why not run in Flynt or Detroit?

Why do you only roll out the same bullshit every four years for the Presidential?

It's so embarrassing that huge people that made massive steps to further policies along, like Peter McWilliams, now share this "Party's" name.

Nice job. Everyone is really impressed.

Why is everyone in your party so lazy?

All the weed.

Why can't you fundraise?

We only brought in $400K last month. Johnson's only raised $5MM in online donations alone. Sorry we suck.

Why can't you focus on one city, one governorship, one Congressional seat? Why not run in Flynt or Detroit?

Because we're not stupid enough to limit our efforts to one community. Give the enemy one battleground to beat you and they will. Hit them everywhere and we'll win some of them.

Why do you only roll out the same bullshit every four years for the Presidential?

Mostly to make you mad. Is it working?

It's so embarrassing that huge people that made massive steps to further policies along, like Peter McWilliams, now share this "Party's" name.

Troll me all you want, but don't talk shit about McWilliams.

Nice job. Everyone is really impressed.

Y ur party sux so much?

Sorry, I know Libertarians support strong cryptography, but I don't have the public key necessary to decode that message.

only national convention this year that didn't have shenanigans like cutting off a sitting Senator's microphone or the disgraced resignation of the party Chair.

well we did have the strip tease............ Thanks for doing this chairman. My question is this: what is the best way Libertarians can help the party in the coming election?

That guy didn't win my job. I did.

Build up your state and local parties and stay active after November 8.

What's your stance on the DEA trying to speedily push through the rescheduling of Kratom to schedule 1 drug classification by September 30th?

I oppose it.


What's a "craic"?


Targeted recruiting from the mailing lists of puppy kicking magazines and monocle and top hat shops.

Are you embarrassed by the guy who stripped naked at your convention?


Someone tried to turn our process into a joke and he lost.

Someone turned the Republican process into a joke and he's their nominee for President.

Is this guy going to answer any questions?


Thanks for doing this AMA! My question is this: in the wake of the Republican nomination of an orange demagogue sociopath as their candidate for the presidency, have you seen a major influx of former establishment republicans into your party? If so, how do you think this will effect the future of your party?

More than normal, but the party will stay strongly Libertarian as long as I'm Chair.

Will Presidential Nominee Gary Johnson be included in the televised debates? If not, what can be done to see that he gets on?

We hope so. Tell your friends and family about him.

What is your opinion on cooperative economics?

As long as it's voluntary, it's fine.

Only growing political party?

Harambe and I disagree...

Is your dick out?

Mine is.


The President has no power over the public school system. You and your future child will be fine.

Ben Shapiro 2024?


When will we get a candidate with more than say, 9 charisma? Can we use all 3 six sided dice when rolling next time ?

The high charisma candidates are usually shitty people.

Have you been corrupted yet?

No, but do you have good offers?

Thanks for this AMA! How did you find out about Libertarianism and what made you realize you were one?

My father took me to local meetings in Phoenix when I was around 12 and I read David Bergland's "Libertarianism in One Lesson" and thought it made sense.
Never been anything else.

Can you give a straight answer to the question of whether or not you're a lizard?

No, I find your question gross and Ickey.

What is your opinion on the dea ruling of kratom? Are you aware of kratom?

It's bad.

How do you feel knowing you'll probably lose even though you have the best candidate?

Whether we win or lose is up to the voters. We only control who we provide to the voters as a choice and how we present our ideas.

Why are there so few libertarian candidates on house ballots? I am registered in Ohio, where I think a libertarian candidates would be very welcome, but there is aren't any on the ballot. This seems like the best way to get going as a party, rather than going right for the oval office.

John Kasich fucked over the Libertarian Party of Ohio to prevent us from threatening his re-election.

Don't worry, we'll be back in Ohio.

Mr Chairman

I vote to the left, because the American right has been an ideological mess for my entire life, but I worry about the authoritarian tendencies that Democrats and Republicans share. I've been considering your party for a long time.

My major concern is this: In this age of corporatism, what would distinguish a libertarian government from a plutocracy?

We're opposed to crony capitalism.

So y'all don't like highways or public libraries?

I love both of them.

Why open borders?

Why not?

What do you think about independent Evan McMullen?

I don't.

How do I decide if I should vote for Hillary Clinton who I don't really like or Gary Johnson who I also don't really like when voting against a Trump?

You need the Balanced Rebellion.

On a scale of one to ten, one being least, ten being most, How retarded is Daryl Perry?

It's a number smaller than yours.

How's the 8th grade going?

I should graduate soon.

Do you believe the rumor that the CIA killed Marc Feldman because they saw him as a rising messiah figure in the Libertarian Party?

No, I believe the medical examiner saying he had a heart attack.

Are you going to answer any questions that aren't "LP IS GREAT AND WHY DO AGREE???" Or is this just a plain run of the mill political sock-hop?



Will Gov. Johnson be invited to the upcoming debates?

We're working to make that happen.

What can we do to squash the criminal Hillary Clinton so she never shows her ugly face in American politics again?

Try the Balanced Rebellion, I think it will meet your needs.

How close are we to getting Secret Service protection for Gary and Bill, and wouldn't that reinforce their image as serious candidates?

About $3-4 million dollars away, based on fundraising. Maybe sooner, based on rally size.

What are some common misconceptions about the LP or libertarianism that you want to correct?

There's too many to list, but I've been trying in this AmA.

Why does your party do so many AMAs? Is this how you're planning on winning the election?

This is my first. I'm just a Redditor who wanted to engage with the community.

I probably missed the cutoff but any idea if we're getting more primaries next year?


Will Gary Johnson debate with Hilary, and Donald at the first election debate?

That's our plan.

Which state do you feel is your best chance of winning?

Also, have you ever clerked? Your speaking rhythm at the convention sounded like you've done a lot of "Mr. Soandso... Mr. Soandso aye, Ms. Whatchacallit... Ms. Whatchacallit Aye..."

Utah seems like the best shot right now.

I clerked for the Institute for Justice during law school, but never for a judge. But I did practice as a public defender for five years, trying about 36 cases to a jury, so I'm experienced in speaking on the record.

Trump and Clinton each have historically high disapproval ratings, at around 65%, and the same percentage of the electorate claims to be voting primarily against someone.

Millions of people want an alternative, but feel trapped into the two-party balancing act. What's your message to all those people about their fear of "wasting a vote?"

They need the Balanced Rebellion.

I'm in my late 20s, currently live in Texas, and work full time and go to school (almost) full time. At the moment I've donated to Gary Johnson's campaign (the first time I've EVER donated to a political campaign) and I'm even looking into volunteering at least through social media given my tight schedule.

But if I wanted to further support the Libertarian Party (especially if Johnson's candidacy is what the future will hold more of for the party), what could I do? If I ever wanted to run for some sort of office under the Libertarian banner, how would I go about doing that? What kind of office could a person like myself even realistically aim for? And last, what would the party do to help?

Reach out to the Libertarian Party of Texas. The state chair is really nice and can get you pointed in the right direction.

As Party Chairman, has the Johnson's mainstream/pragmatic appeal created any unforeseen challenges for you?

Not really, mostly opportunities.

This AMA is so bad.

How do you see yourselves actually becoming a serious party when you can't even properly handle an internet forum?

It is bad and I should feel bad.

I guess this pretty much illustrates how serious we should take the libertarian party then, eh?

You are responding to questions about the legitimacy of your party 9 hours after the fact with jokes.

Congratulations. I guess you proved that you could make yourselves more of a joke than you already were.

It's a real shame for anyone who actually wants 3rd party candidates. You guys have absolutely zero idea how to run a campaign or form a party platform.

Sorry I didn't take your trolling seriously enough.

Will the people who vote for Gary Johnson receive anything? B/c if he doesn't win, then we will all have just wasted a vote that could have gone to a lesser of two evils.

Unless you have a bookie, you don't receive anything from picking the winner in an election.

Why are Gary Johnson and Bill Weld the nominees? The LP nominated them sense there was no primary. They're not consistent with Libertarian principles. Weld endorsed Kaisch for instance.

They are the nominees because the delegates at convention nominated them.

I guess I'm asking why them and not someone more libertarian? I know you're not the only person who decides obviously.

They made a more compelling argument than the other candidates. There were almost 1,000 delegates in the room, hard to say what swayed each of them.

Why are you into politics and why are you campaigning on reddit ?

Because I care about the future of the country my kids will grow up in and because I'm a Redditor.

Since if not all, all but one of the founding fathers had libertarian political beliefs, what are some key differences in current libertarians to the ones of the founding fathers besides the obvious more polarized opinions?

We're very opposed to slavery and a lot of the privilege taken for granted in the founding era.

Are you feeling the Johnson?

I am.

Why don't you run municipal, state, congressional, and senatorial candidates instead of just showing up every four years?

We do that as well.

Why are most of your supporters uninformed, edgy white teens?

Good recruiting.

Why do some here say you're not answering questions when you've answered at least 10x more than any other political personality ever has? Do you think it's due to a hatred for libertarianism among the uneduated/schills? That's what I think. :) Freedom, for the win!

Some people can't read. They should be helped, not mocked.

so, what, did you and Bernie have a bet to see how much of other people's money you can waist before the election?

Yeah, but he won, so he was able to buy that vacation house.

Will you be voting for donald trump?

No, I don't hate America.

How can I get involved in California?

We have information about the Libertarian party of California here.

How on earth did YOU become the chairman of something brighter and bigger than yourself?

Lucky, I guess.

"We also have the distinction of having the only national convention this year that didn't have shenanigans like cutting off a sitting Senator's microphone or the disgraced resignation of the party Chair."

So what are your thoughts on that candidate of yours that took all this clothes off?

He lost, I won.

in the case where you don't get in the debate would you consider trying to compete in an alternative debate on another network?

Maybe, but we're focused on getting in at present.

How are you still at this? It's impressive. It's tough to attempt to educate the statists of reddit for this long without feeling the need to smack your head against a wall.

I'm a machine.

What's it like to know that your party will never run America as we know it?

Feels better than being a troll.

Oh, shit. You answered. I thought you had left.

Anyhow, I was not trolling you. I was being serious. What does it feel like? I mean, even though I support you and wish this country wasn't being run by neither the idiot on the left or the idiot on the right, I know it won't happen - not unless this country changes drastically, hence the 'America as we know it'.

That's why I'm wondering, cause it's basically an impossible mission that you're in and the chances of it going your way are probably lower than the chances of a meteor safely landing in my house in exactly 4 hours. I would like to do it myself and see the change, but we both know that the change won't come, at least not this time around. So I'm just wondering what it feels like to embark on an impossible journey, that's all.

When you love your kids and your country, you do crazy stuff for them.

Thanks for doing an AmA! Of course mainstream media isn't giving Gary the attention he deserves, and appears to be showing lower numbers than needed to participate in the debate(s), can you confirm he's reached the 15% needed to be part of it?

Not yet, we need to keep working.

You say you didn't have shenanigans but didn't a chairman candidate get naked on stage and dance?

He lost, I won.

Why the hell are you still promoting the NAP? Violence isn't bad as long as you're not the instigator of the situation that leads up to it. Note that I don't make a difference between who uses violence first. Only the situation that causes the use to become necessary.

Self defense doesn't violate the NAP.

As a Veteran I'll be voting for Gary because of my perception of GOP and DNC corruption. He is the only candidate who I feel has an appropriate response to "when should we use our military power".

My question is, if Libertarians take the executive branch, what are the plans to route the ever growing political corruption in our Country?

The Vice Presidential nominee made his bones prosecuting public corruption as a U.S. Attorney.

How fast can you become a viable presidential party, what do you need to accomplish and how can I help ?

Faster than people think. Visit and get involved.

Where does your party sit in the political spectrum?

At the top.

Mr. Sarwark, I'm a young left-leaning voter tentatively planning on voting for Johnson this year - but you'll lose me again when and if the Democrats pull their heads out of their asses. I suspect I'm not alone, on either side of the aisle.

Do you think there's room for a more moderate, "personal libertarian" wing in the party? I favor more or less absolute individual civil liberty (e.g., I oppose hate speech laws despite being quite liberal), but not absolute corporate freedom. Corporations, particularly large ones, wield a degree of power that becomes qualitatively different from the general public, and I don't think a zero-regulation environment gives the public any chance of a fair fight.

Can one be a libertarian on things like surveillance, speech, and so on, but be a progressive on things like health care or environmentalism?

Not every Libertarian agrees with every Libertarian Party position. If you agree with us more than the other parties, I want you.

What do you think of socialists and communists being silenced in the US? If the libertarian party were in power, would you position yourselves in the same authoritarian stance? Or allow freedom of speech and democracy allowing legitimate socialist and communist parties to exist/not get invaded by fbi and democrats who like the colour red

I think the best defense against socialism and communism is to make sure they get to tell people exactly what they believe.

Why can't your party just push a platform of limited government regulation, as opposed to no government regulation? Humans are a flawed species. As a result, we need to create restrictions for us to get along with one another. I don't believe anyone likes the idea of a government that is too big to get anything done, but there has to be some restrictions on one's freedom to ensure one group does not try to exploit another group with sheer numbers or wealth.

Let's propose no government regulation and then compromise on limited government regulation.

Libertarian's are all about free choice which I believe is something that everyone can get behind if they sit and think about what opportunities arrive from a society like that. I know I am all for it. However, I very much believe that everyone should be forced to take vaccinations that have been proven to be safe. What would the libertarian party's view on this be? Would it be government imposed? If not, how do you plan to deal with getting people to get their vaccines and avoid outbreaks of irradiated diseases?

Vaccinating may be a good idea, but it's wrong to force other people to take medical treatments they don't want.

Freedom means the freedom to make bad choices.

Why does the vice presidential Libertarian candidate oppose the basic universal human right to self defense with a rifle/shotgun/handgun that the second amendment of the constitution recognizes?

Does he want a government monopoly force and have the free people turned into subjects begging the state for protection on their knees like the majority of Europeans?

He doesn't. He just published an op-ed on the Second Amendment today.

What is the Libertarian standpoint on our standing army and our military presence in other countries?

Bring our troops home.

I just laugh at libertarians. It's so ironic that actually think that Liberty means privatize anything and everything. Why is handing control over to a company who just wants to make money better than handing over cash to the government who bills me once and builds a road or a bridge?

Glad we can entertain you.

Maybe I missed the part where the government builds the road without paying a company (after taking its cut).

The question was why would I hand my money directly to a company to do it. If profit is the motive they have to keep making money on it. As in charge me a fee or toll to be able to maintain it. And come on. A lot of states and cities maintain their own road crews.

Edit: and I'm going to assume that you've been to the dc area now and again. So if private roads are great I've got two words for you. Dulles greenway.

My wife is from Sterling. The Greenway is corporate cronyism and political favors at their worst.

Why does your party hate poor people?

One of us spent five years of his life at low wages keeping poor people out of cages.

It's not you.

Any comments regarding Bill Weld's less than libertarian remarks on second amendment issues?

He just wrote an op-ed on the Second Amendment.

Do you cringe as hard I do when people refer to libertarianism as "socially liberal and economically conservative"?

No, I'm good with using different messaging to reach different people.

You can explain the answer if you want, but please... this is a "yes" or "no" question, so could you please make it clear from the start whether your answer is one or the other.

Do you believe that a racist business owner has a fundamental right to discriminate against black people?

As a matter of philosophy? Yes.

Will he remain a business owner long? No.

Is he an asshole? Yes.

What does your chair look like?

Dead sexy.

How do you feel about Wild Horse roundups in nevada?

They keep the ecosystem from collapsing (Because horses will outcompete god damn anything that is indigenous)

And the BLM in general?

I have worked in mining, and seen good actors, and REALLY bad actors - why should I trust those bad actors to function responsibly?

If the horses are damaging the land, probably a good idea to round them up.

BLM should have a lot less L to M than it currently does.

You shouldn't trust bad actors to be responsible, but an agency by itself doesn't protect you. Bonding is helpful and has worked well in my industry to protect those who would be harmed by bad actors.

Gary Johnson huh? The guy is nice but he's a bit of a whackado. Is there really no one else?

Yep. Best candidate running.

Surprised you're still answering questions.

What do you think the odds of Johnson becoming president if he won enough states to prevent $hillary or $rump from getting to 270. Would the HOR pick Johnson as the least objectionable?

There's an okay shot of it. Those two other candidates are truly terrible people.

Do you agree with VP Nominee Weld's comments regarding guns and 5 round capacity and all the other stupid very non-libertarian comments he made during a recent interview?

You should read his latest op-ed on the Second Amendment.

I'm fairly sympathetic to the libertarian view, and I'll be voting for Johnson to spite Trump and Clinton, but in terms of convention shenanigans, I feel like the Libertarian Convention had its fair share, notably the man who stripped to his underwear dancing on stage, and also the fact that one of the candidates (who came in 3rd) is being investigated for murder in Belize.

So, now that you have a legitimate ticket, what is your plan for making your party more serious?

My party is way more serious than the two old ones.

Hi Nick,

I know someone who says he knows you well, and he mentioned that you were "often an FRB with HHH"

What was it like working with a professional wrestler? I didn't know they had their own monetary policy boards, which I thought is something libertarians are normally very hands-off about.

I learned about your position as Federal Reserve Board for Mr. Triple H in response to questions about your fitness activities. Do you deadlift? (You should.)

I used to run with the Hash House Harriers. Life and kids have kept me away from the hash for a few years, but it was good exercise when I did it.

Hello Nicholas. You know me. My name is Blake West I'm that dude on Twitter always giving you crap.

I'm here to settle this with one question.

With Bill Weld supporting Gun Control, The UN, The TPP, Merrock Garland, Obamacare and Gary Johnson supporting A huge Sales Tax and carbon taxes is the libertarian party still a Party of Prinicple?

And second Why should I support Gary Johnson over Darrell Castle, A man who stands for Libertarian values pretty well?

Did you read Weld's op-ed on the Second Amendment that was published today?

How much are the Koch Brothers paying for your campaign?

None, but if you think they'd like to chip in, they can donate here.

What kind of hobbies do you have and what do you do for a living?

Poker, kendo, running, programming, homebrewing.

I'm a car dealer now, but I used to be a lawyer and a computer scientist.

Who's Gary Johnson? SpongeBob is that you.

Your next President.

This is the one time I wish a major network would reference a reddit AMA. There are few times where a third party's views and candidate are made available on such a forum, especially at such an important and polarizing time in American history. So I guess this is mostly a thanks to the powers the be at reddit for making it happen. And thanks to /u/nsarwark for taking time to do this.

My question is about the Libertarian party's views on the US Federal Govt. attempts at Extradition of Kim Dotcom from New Zealand- Do you believe the US has such (or should have) such "worldly" Authority to take citizens of foreign nations, upon grounds of [alleged] infringement of American copy-write laws?

We shouldn't be haling people into court for such stupid things.

Can you please put Bill Weld back in a jar so I don't have to suffer him any longer?

He's far too tall to fit in a jar.

What is the Libretarian Party's position on getting money out of politics to ensure free and fair elections?

Reduce the power of government so there's less incentive to buy politicians.

This interview was transcribed from an "ask me anything" question and answer session with Nicholas Sarwark conducted on Reddit on 2016-08-31. The Reddit AMA can be found here.